All images, writing and creative ideas on my blog and website are Copyright and Trademark protected. I hope you will BE INSPIRED to create your own artistic style from what you find here, but please be advised: it is against Federal Laws to copy or use any images or slide shows that belong to me without my written permission. Besides that, it would be dishonest and if caught you face fines and imprisonment, so please don't do it unless you really think you'll look good in a jumpsuit! Thank you for respecting and protecting my Creative Rights.
BIG love, Joanne

Sunday, March 9, 2008

INSPIRED Influences...

Here are two quotes I do my best to be aware of and "live" by whether I am photographing for my clients or for myself...

Henri Cartier-Bresson:
To take a photograph means to recognize – simultaneously and within a fraction of a second– both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one’s head, one’s eye, and one’s heart on the same axis."

If you are not familiar with H. Cartier-Bresson, you really ought to learn about him. His work is renowned and he is the one photographer most other photographers would probably say they admire the most for many reasons - I know I do! Really, take time to know of him and see his work; it is more lyrical than can be imagined!

Arnold Newman:
"We do not take pictures with our cameras; we take them with our hearts and minds."

I have loved A. Newman's portrait work forever! He is probably the one photographer who has influenced my work more than anyone else! His imagery always constantly exists in the back of my mind when I "see." No matter if I am working or just being present. His work is strong and real and artful.

Both are so INSPIRING to me because they used their hearts and their minds when photographing. They had the
necessary technical knowledge and command over their cameras that allowed them to align their creative abilities with their emotions so perfectly when they instinctively created incredible images in an instant! These are qualities I hope every photographer would strive for; at least I know I do.

I often times hesitate to write about these photographic and philosophic topics because I think, 'people don't know me well enough to believe that I'm not saying these things for some self-serving reason.' But then I counter that thought with, 'the people that do know me know that I always speak from my heart." The statements of H. Cartier-Bresson and A. Newman perfectly describe the magic of photography for ME! Of how it is for me when that perfect moment aligns and I just know what I've created is really, really good! It really is like magic and keeps me so INSPIRED to create better and better imagery for my clients and for myself!

To create with intensity like this, with your heart, soul, mind and camera, involves a simultaneous "self" and "other" awareness. Without this awareness anyone could call themselves a "photographer." All it would take to earn the title would be to click the shutter hundreds of times with the hopes of getting one good shot instead of creating with
decisive and deliberate intention.

So, if you aspire to be a photographer, or consider yourself having earned the title already, keep examining your work closely to make sure that you are keeping your camera off of "P" (it really doesn't stand for "professional" anyway) and push yourself continually to produce better and better imagery and be the best you can be.

BIG love, Joanne Bartone, Photographer

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